Wednesday, February 02, 2022

Wednesday Stuff

Cenk and Ana of TYT tell us about the billionaire tears of Leon Cooperman, tied to a recent puff piece in the WaPo (cue the world’s tiniest violin – more is here about Cooperman having a hissy fit over the stuff about Gamestop artificially inflating their market valuation from about a year ago...oh, and I’m sure a bunch of hackers came up with that concept all on their own, right?)...

...and under the heading of Capitalist Exploitation 101, I give you this from More Perfect Union about Roark Capital’s treatment of workers of the Inspire Brands family of companies, in particular the Cheesecake Factory (the wretched status quo defended by Cooperman and his pals – this tells us about the most recent financial wrangling between Roark and The Cheesecake Factory FWIW)...

...and Robert Reich tells us about the 5 ways your employer may be exploiting you (and yeah, I can relate to the whole “exempt from overtime” thing)...

...and given the prior clips in this video, this is little more than ridiculous comic relief... Baby Ben Shapiro (or, excuse me...”Mr. Shapiro”) tries to look intelligent in front of school kids when talking about business, taxes, and government (Sam and Emma or The Majority Report tell us about it)...

...and turning to “the thin blue line,” David Shuster of Rebel HQ tells us about subway-riding cops in NYC almost entirely flouting the COVID mask mandate – and yes, I get it that they came from a funeral for a colleague killed in action (and all support to the slain officer’s family and friends), but that doesn’t let them off the hook (doesn’t exactly jibe with the whole “to protect and to serve” thing, now does it?)...

...and Mehdi Hasan had a clip from about 10 days ago about all of the garbage that local election officials all over the country have had to put up with from the Trumpist lunatics out there, with the focus on these parts, the Bucks County Courier Times recently had a pg. 1 article above the fold on PA election officials quitting in droves...can’t get to the article now of course... gee, maybe our thoroughly useless bought-and-paid-for corporate media should PAY FREAKING ATTENTION to all of the ways #45 and the “party of Lincoln” are trying to utterly wreck our elections, including this item...from what I read, the ruling will likely be overturned on appeal, but the fact that mail-in voting was blocked in PA at all is completely disgusting...IMO, we need a FEDERAL LAW with teeth to protect elections officials as well as people working on school boards as well as school officials from being harassed or doxed, and that goes for their family members a lot of you I’m sure, I’ve bene watching this play out since Mango Mussolini ascended to power, and to say I’M FED UP WITH IT is as big of an understatement as you can possibly imagine (or if we have existing laws, they definitely need to be strengthened)...

...and Stephen Colbert tells us the latest about Black History Month in the context of the latest garbage inspired by Our Treasonous Orange Pustule; I was never big on the BHM concept, not because I don’t think the contributions of African Americans should be recognized and celebrated, but because we shouldn’t designate a single month to it as if to say “well, we fulfilled our obligation, so that lets us off the hook now” (and this tells us about corporations claiming to support Black History Month but also giving $$ to politicians trying to block voting reform, which would greatly benefit African Americans as well as others)...

...and I'm not sure if I've ever included a video for a tune here with somebody in a bathtub...what will those crazy kids think of next :-).

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