Friday, February 04, 2022

Friday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us about some idiot Oklahoma state lawmaker (do I even need to mention the political party?) who wants to ban and/or fire teachers who teach anything contrary to religious belief, including biology of course...OK then, you know what? If kids from the affected schools apply to colleges, automatically invalidate their applications...a shame to have anyone besides the idiot politicians pay the price, but if the parents can go nuts about “CRT” at school board meetings, then they can go nuts over ridiculous laws like this too (more here)...

...and speaking of idiot Republicans, Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about news anchor Errol Lewis interviewing this U.S. House rep from Staten Island named Nicole Malliotakis and giving her the treatment she deserves on her vote against the 1/6 committee investigating the insurrection (oh, and did I mention that Malliotakis is another one of these Repug U.S. House wingnuts trying to take credit for the economic relief package she voted AGAINST, as noted here??)...

...and I’m kind of hot-and-cold on Chris Cillizza of CNN to tell you the truth, but he has a good video here IMO on the claim that athletes are supposedly dropping dead from the COVID vaccine, dutifully parroted by that idiot RoJo in the U.S. Senate...

...and Thom Hartmann, as he so often does, gives us some important historical context on presidential misbehavior and how that ends us as a precedent for other bad (and quite probably illegal) behavior from future bad actors...

...and John and Michael Shure of The Damage Report tell us about UCLA averting a potential mass shooting in the context of threats against HBCUs, just in time for Black History Month of course...sorry UCLA had to cancel classes, but it was the prudent thing to do under the circumstances (just chalk it up to Life In These United States, Part The Infinity as Charlie Pierce might say)...

...and here's a nod to a few folks saying no to Spotify as a protest against the COVID propaganda from Joe Rogan, as noted here (with a song written by Joni Mitchell, who has also joined the boycott of course).

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