Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Tuesday Stuff

Beau of the Fifth Column leads off with an analysis of that flesh lump Thomas Massie, Repug U.S. House Rep of Kentucky, and his attempt to sound profound with what he apparently thought was a quote from Voltaire...just say “oops” and get out (here)...

...and every once in a while, I think we need to hold up a bit of a mirror to these life forms who support Our Traitorous Orange Pestilence, and David Shuster tries to reach these characters with the reality perspective (oh, and in response to that woman saying you couldn’t submit absentee ballots in PA after election day in 2020, I offer this response)...

...and David Doel tells us about the Washington state trooper who apparently told Dem Gov Jay Inslee to kiss his ass over a vax mandate but then dies of...wait for it...COVID (mildly NSFW/H...God, the line on that graph for U.S. cases is just going straight up...un-freaking-believable - more here)...

...and John and Francesca tell us about the latest ranting from Combover Caligula in Texas last weekend, including his promise to pardon those responsible for 1/6 if he were returned to the presidency (as if any syllable that oozes out of his pie hole should be treated as anything remotely resembling the truth)...45 should be in prison awaiting trial on charges of treason and inciting an insurrection...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that, because of his obstruction, #MaseratiManchin sure is popular among Republican donors these days – figures (and I’m sorry if I sound like a snotty lib, but I can’t imagine what the f*ck is wrong with the people in West Virginia who support this criminal – I know, if not for Manchin, it would be an “R” seat, but it’s practically that anyway...more on Ken Langone is here)...

...and I know I featured tunes recently from Neil Young and Nils Lofgren, part of the trio boycotting Spotify (as far as I know, Peter Frampton's tunes are still on the service), but I hadn't included anything from Joni Mitchell, so I'd like to make amends for that here.

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