Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Wednesday Stuff

Sam and Emma of The Majority Report tell us the latest from The Swanson TV Dinner Heir and this nonsense about this Kathleen Dooling person and Carlson's claim that she denied the vaccine to people based on race stemming from a December ’20 policy...and by the way, I hope people realize that this allegedly happened before Biden was even sworn in, though knowing Carlson, the veracity of this claim is highly questionable anyway...and by the way, I GUARANTEE you that "Tuckums" is completely vaxxed...

...and sticking with our regularly scheduled plague, Richard Ojeda tells us more on why Joe Rogan is a thoroughly disingenuous actor on this and other issues, including the 1/6 insurrection...

...and as long as we’re discussing COVID, Adrienne Lawrence Esq. of Rebel HQ tells us what a selfish asshole SCOTUS Justice Neil Gorsuch truly is...see, Hangin’ Judge JR apparently circulated a memo to everyone to mask up, but Gorsuch refuses to Lawrence tells us, that really messes things up for Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who is diabetic and thus more susceptible to the virus (and I think this is an interesting item related to Gorsuch also)...

...and I’m going to give Trae Crowder another shot, and this time, he takes on the alleged Carhartt boycott based on this – the “mayonnaise militia”...good one (and I don’t want to shock anybody, but I have Carhartt apparel also including a winter coat that I basically live in from now until the spring)...

...and I know I’m a little late in acknowledging that last Monday, in addition to the birthday of MLK Jr., would have been the 80th of Muhammad Ali; if, in this age of the wingnutosphere, that abattoir of a TV channel called Fix Noise and corporate ownership of the media, people absolutely lost what’s left of their minds when Colin Kaepernick took a knee in protest of police tactics against African Americans...well, just try to imagine if Ali had refused military service in this era – he would be cast completely aside and ridiculed for the rest of his life...

...and here’s another milestone – happy 70th birthday to Dewey Bunnell of the band America.

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