Monday, January 17, 2022

Monday Stuff

John and Brett of The Damage Report tell us about the 6-3 SCOTUS ruling overturning Biden’s businesses’ vaccine or test mandate – once more, it tells you who really runs this country (i.e., businesses...and The Swanson TV Dinner Heir can sit and f*cking spin)...

...and John is back with Cenk and Ben Carollo discussing this loon named Ben Bergquam who is mad at exactly the wrong people for his case of ‘Rona (yeah, as if BLM and Antifa had one damn thing to do with this, you idiot)...

...and Beau had a particularly good take here on the educational BS going on in Virginia (and I like the way Beau correctly IMO blames the adults who should know better about this stuff but do nothing in response instead)...

...and in the latest from Second Thought, we learn that the U.S. “left” isn’t really so left after all when compared to the rest of the world (still deserves our support though as far as I’m concerned...actually, this clip I think explains even more why we need to keep up the fight)...

...and for MLK day, I think it's appropriate to revisit this speech from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at Barratt Middle School in Philadelphia on October 26. 1967, with the them of “What Is Your Life’s Blueprint?"...

Update: What's past is prologue (here).

...and this tune is apropos for the holiday also.

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