Friday, January 21, 2022

Friday Stuff

Thom Hartmann gives us more on the lengthy GOP history when it comes to election fraud – yep, when in doubt, just scream about “voter ID” to try and distract from the wrong you’re actually performing yourselves (including this from the “mayor of 9/11”)...Thom also discusses “Operation Eagle Eye,” which was the 1964 GOP campaign of voter intimidation and disenfranchisement (if anybody thinks the wingnut claims about “voter fraud” and “socialism” AREN’T time-worn chestnuts that the “party of Lincoln” has been trotting out whenever they feel like it for the last 70 years or so – well, I’ve got a bridge to one of the 5 New York boroughs to sell to you)...

...and Rachel Maddow tells us about some Trumpist idiot contesting the result of the special election to fill the U.S. House seat of Alcee Hastings in FLA (yeah, it’s “fraud” when you lose by over 60 points, you clueless meat sack)...

...and speaking of Trump-loving idiots, John and Jayar of The Damage Report tells us that Dan Crenshaw recently gave a 10-year-old girl a bad time over his “faith” when asked about hero/role models or something (yeah, giving an attitude to the kid was a completely awful look for Crenshaw, but dude, this was a softball question also)...

...and in a triumph for informed discourse, Adrienne Lawrence Esq. of Rebel HQ tells us it looks like OAN is on its way out, with Direct TV dropping the network after quite-justifiable protests...

...and this video from More Perfect Union tells us about the effort to pass a bill in Delaware that would end debt-based license suspensions...yes, I believe those convicted should pay what they owe, but are all the fines and fees necessary? And yeah, suspending someone’s license so they can’t get to a job (which is the only way they’re going to pay off the fines and fees) doesn’t make much sense to me either (and I’m shocked that Chris Coons and Roger Wicker are trying to do the right thing here, but apparently they are)...

...and RIP Fred Parris of The Five Satins (I know I have virtually no doo-wop tunes at this site, and I should make amends for that however I can).

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