Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Wednesday Stuff

Thom Hartmann brings us more denialism in this country of our own racist and genocidal dirty laundry, to say nothing of assorted other ills (and Judd Legum has been all over describing how critical race theory is a totally manufactured issue – it only applies to some college studies, truth be told, as Hartmann explains...however, it is the tip of the metaphorical spear, if you will, meaning that, if teaching CRT is ultimately made illegal, then that creates the precedent to pass a law stating that teaching ANYTHING that puts this country in a negative light on race – or other hot-button topics – can be made illegal too)...

...and I would argue that what contributes to our collective amnesia on our history, allowing particular groups to prattle on like spoiled little kids over issues they don’t like, is when our allegedly august media gatekeepers totally fall down when trying to do their jobs, which I think is the real takeaway in this Farron Cousins clip about Iowa Repug Guv Kim Reynolds using $450K of COVID funds to pay her staff (glad to hear Cousins bust the AP for not mentioning Reynolds’s political party – of course, there are other outlets who would probably point that out, but utterly “bury the lede,” you might say)...

...and continuing with the theme of media malpractice, leave it to Fix Noise and other outlets to utterly twist the words of senior Biden econ advisor Larry Summers on inflation, which is happening EVERYWHERE ACROSS THE GLOBE in large part because of supply chain and worker shortage issues related to COVID (so sez Prof. Krugman here and here – more info is here, and you can read more about quantitative easing here)...

...and related to the “I” word, Robert Reich points out that BBB (with its spending over 10 years as of now, let’s not forget) won’t contribute to inflation, despite what Manchinema sez, along with Reich’s completely correct observation that that alleged captain of industry Elon Musk is acting like a five-year-old brat...

...and John goes solo in this clip pointing out still more disgusting Trumpster revelations, this time about how Mark Meadows supposedly sent Mike Pence to plan the coup on 1/6...

...and Richard Ojeda of Rebel HQ tells us more on that lunatic Repug U.S. House Rep Paul Gosar (and of course, his Anime snuff video aimed at AOC and Biden) and silence in response from caucus leader Kevin McCarthy and just about everyone else from that party, including some life form named Bill Posey who of course chanted "Let's Go Brandon" (with Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney commendably joining the Dems to censure Gosar, along with somebody else from that party voting Present)...

...and this Now This video tells us about service industry activists traveling across the U.S. to raise awareness for restaurant workers affected by the pandemic...

...and happy 75th birthday to Martin Barre of Jethro Tull.

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