Monday, November 15, 2021

Monday Stuff

Chris Hayes speaks with former Obama senior advisor David Plouffe about the latest Fix Noise idiocy involving President Biden, and that is the “Negro” reference to baseball great Satchel Paige and “the mystery of the disappearing hand”...this is really weak stuff even for The Roger Ailes BS Factory, and as usual, they’re trying to invent a “scandal” out of whole what point do we FINALLY say, “You know what? We can’t trust this idiot network to tell us the truth without fabrication (After all, given how they get caught, can you imagine what they actually get away with? Media Matters can’t catch ALL of it.), so we no longer are going to take what they say or do seriously"...yeah I know, I can dream, right?...

...and I know I’m a little late with the most recent Second Thought video from last Friday, aptly titled “Environmental Justice: How Capitalism Threatens Humanity”...the corporate class HATES the environmental movement more than anything else because they know how powerful a force it is in galvanizing public support (didn’t know 227 people died in pursuit of environmental justice last year, mostly indigenous people in affected communities – and yeah, the saga of the Dulles Brothers and United Fruit is, at a minimum, an entire video by itself)...

...and John and Charles F. Coleman Jr. respond to “Calgary” Cruz saying roads are racist by recounting related history in highway construction (Robert Moses in NYC could probably be the subject of a lengthy blog post on this by himself - I've always looked upon construction of the U.S. interstate highway system as a 20th century marvel, but I guess I should have realized that it had a seamy back story about dislocating poor populations)...

...and Thom Hartmann tells us how pregnant women in Poland can’t get an particular, one woman couldn’t get the procedure because of laws in that country and had to wait until the fetus she was carrying died, then the doctors tried to perform a “C” section to remove the fetus but she died of a heart attack on the way to the operating room, and Thom recounts another story of a woman in a similar circumstance in Ireland who died of sepsis, causing that country to loosen its anti-abortion laws...we’re headed for the same damn thing in this country, people, if the Trumpsters/fundie zealots have their way, including Amy Coney Island Baby Barrett on the SCOTUS...

...and Sam and Emma discuss billionaire Howard Schultz of Starbucks using a Holocaust analogy to discourage a pro-union vote...just say “oops” and get out (yeah, and go share your own damn blanket, you clueless asshat...usually I follow stories like this with that Mike Doughty song, but I won’t this time...I love Sam's pithy comment, juvenile or not)...

...but maybe this will suffice as an apt musical selection given the most recent clip.

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