Saturday, November 20, 2021

Saturday Stuff

David Doel brings us the news of Kyle Rittenhouse’s acquittal on all charges related to the death of two protestors and wounding a third in the BLM protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin (with the correct IMO amount of disgust over this all-but-guaranteed outcome...mildly NSFW/H)...

...and John, Cenk and Morgan Harper do a deeper dive into the trial and the result (and I thought this was a great Twitter thread on all of this from Kurt Eichenwald)... now of course, one of Rittenhouse’s biggest fanboys, that particularly disgusting cretin Repug U.S. House Rep Matt Gaetz of Florida, has offered Rittenhouse a job...yeah, I don’t understand how Gaetz is still walking around enjoying freedom either at this point (Richard Ojeda of Rebel HQ brings us more)...

...and keeping with the theme of the rising tide of wingnut violence, Farron Cousins tells us that the FBI is going to be tracking the lunatic nonsense at these school board meetings, which of course is the latest outrage for the “GQP”...

...and returning to somewhat more restrained political nonsense, Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about Dem U.S. House Rep (and Ohio Senate candidate) Tim Ryan going off on Repug Jason Smith of Missouri for the latter’s complaint about the Dems’ child tax credit, which, as Ryan says, is at least one year’s worth better than what Republicans did for kids, which was NOTHING (also mildly NSFW/H)...

...and like many of you I’m sure, I’ve been watching this country’s slow descent into anarchy and right-wing corporate authoritarianism for at least 40 years, and at certain times, my outrage is utterly spent, and I’m grateful that TYT and David Doel in the prior clips did a pretty good job of summing up how I feel about the Rittenhouse verdict, which is just the latest horrific milestone...when that goofball judge threw out the lesser charges related to Rittenhouse carrying his AR-15 across state lines from Illinois to Wisconsin, I definitely knew for sure that the fix was in...the right wants everything for themselves, and wants to see us all horded up like cattle, living slightly better than livestock, but just well enough so we can keep operating the machines, as it were, as George Carlin so presciently told us so many years ago, while they enjoy everything else and give us table scraps by comparison with threats to kill us if we don’t comply, with the Rittenhouse clones who will surely follow in light of this predictable but still awful verdict – and if you know all of this to be true but keep your mouths shut and don’t protest in some form anyway, then you’re part of the problem also...can’t think of many tunes that sum up how I feel at the moment, but this will do for now.

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