Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Tuesday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us that, in response to the supply chain issues we face in this country, Wisconsin is forcing 14-year-old kids to work longer hours...call me crazy, but I don’t understand why it's not already illegal for allegedly the most developed economic power in the western world to force 14-year-olds to work AT ALL (notwithstanding Cousins’s other good points about how 14-year-old kids don’t have a damn thing to do with our current economic disruption)...

...and John and Francesca tell us that it looks like the prescription drug benefit (i.e., negotiating lower prices) and Medicare expansion may get dropped from the Biden bill because of Manchin, though Bernie is keeping up the good fight as per usual....kudos (of all of our corporate media failures, the biggest one as far as I’m concerned is the fact that our media/political/industrial complex has been getting more and more rigged in favor of the rich over the last 40 years or so, with barely any mention of that by our allegedly august news organizations with initials for names)...

...and Adrienne Lawrence has more on multiple members of Congress and their apparent involvement in the 1/6 insurrection – these people need to be tried, convicted and sentenced to prison to send a message at long last...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about Former President Hopey Changey speaking out on behalf of Terry McAuliffe, the Dem (and former governor) running for another shot at heading that commonwealth – I have no idea of what is going on in that race, but yeah, Repug Glenn Youngkin is trying to have it both ways, with a feint towards centrism while also trying to embrace Trumpism (to help McAuliffe, click here)...

...and here’s another clip about the “Proud Boys” apparently looking for love, in the wrong places it seems (though I can’t imagine a “right” place for any of these life forms, as Ana and Cenk tell us)...

...and RIP Jay Black of Jay and the Americans (with today’s regional forecast also...and no, I can't imagine any of the "Proud Boys" serenading the ladies with this tune either :-).

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