Thursday, October 28, 2021

Thursday Stuff

David Pakman tells us that Fix Noise air personalities won’t discuss how strict the company’s COVID 19 protocols are (and they’re seriously playing word games between a “mandate” and a “protocol” – what else can you expect, really?)...

...and Lawrence O’Donnell speaks with FLA Dem State Senator Tina Polsky, the person who asked that state’s COVIDiot Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo to wear a mask in a meeting with her since she’s immune compromised, and of course, being a member of the administration of Guv #DeathSantis, Ladapo refused (more here)...

...and in keeping with the theme of people acting like idiots in the face of our ongoing plague, David Doel tells us about an anti-masker who gets slugged when he gets loud and obnoxious at a restaurant...and no, I don’t condone violence either, but what the hell else do you THINK will happen when you act like that?...

...and Chris Hayes points out here how U.S. House Repug Troy Nehls is trying to have it both ways on the 1/6 shooting of Ashli Babbitt and the related protests (yeah, she pretty much ignored the warning of Capitol police, and I hate to say that she got what was coming to her, but...)...

...and Beau tells us the story of Claudete Colvin, who apparently staged a sit-down protest on an Alabama bus months before Rosa Parks – uh, yeah, she deserves to have her criminal record expunged at a minimum, and an official apology is warranted also as far as I’m concerned (more here)...

...and in preparation for the upcoming night of scary stuff (in a fun way, hopefully), I'd like to offer this tune.

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