Monday, October 25, 2021

Monday Stuff

Well well, it looks like the Trumpist coup was more organized and involved than we thought...not usually the biggest fan of “Morning Joe,” but I’ll let them in on the fun for a story of this magnitude, where Mrs. Scar interviews Jackie Alemany of the WaPo and Susan Page of USA today along with Scar talking with the AP’s Jonathan Lemire (which ties into the reporting from Rolling Stone here)...

...and I thought this was a well done Ari Melber clip where he discusses the three Trumpist wingnuts running for Secretary of State in Georgia, Arizona and Michigan (with author and Yale professor Timothy Snyder warning about the danger of authoritarianism)...

...and once more, as usual, someone screeching about “voter fraud” happens to be a member of the “R” party, or sympathetic to them anyway, as Rachel Maddow explains (more here)...

...and Chris Hayes chimes in on what you could call the performative cruelty of Not Your Father’s Republican Party, this time with that loon J.D. Vance, running for the U.S. Senate in Ohio, trying to make political hay out of the thoroughly awful tragedy of the shooting on the set of the Alec Baldwin movie “Rust” (more here)...

Update: And why is this not surprising?

...and speaking of cruelty, David Doel tells us about an Oklahoma woman charged with first-degree manslaughter over a miscarriage – yeah, if it turns out that she took meth while pregnant, that’s pretty abominable all right, but it seems that that could not have induced the miscarriage by itself...and no, I’m definitely not a life sciences professional, but the individuals charging this woman aren’t either...

...and in a bit of a related item from TYT, it turns out that a rapist pastor who impregnated a 14-year-old girl (now living in Tennessee) received no jail time (I don’t agree with Cenk’s “nonsense organization” comment, but unfortunately he’s right about the utter horrific and sickening details)...

...and Sam and the crew from The Majority Report tell us about the St. Vincent Hospital nurses strike in Worcester, MA (and yeah, Nail. Hammer. Head by Sam when it comes to stock compensation by Tenet executives...mildly NSFW/H)...

...and happy belated 85th birthday to Bill Wyman, formerly the bassist for “that blues cover band” (heh) The Rolling Stones.

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