Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Tuesday Stuff

Sam, Emma V. and Nomiki Konst of The Majority Report talk with a caller from AZ who tells them that there are ads all over the place in that state in support of “Curtsy Kyrsten,” and yeah, it isn’t hard to see who’s behind that (just look at the pic)... and I saw a tweet somewhere pointing out that we can’t get too hung up over how awful Sinema is (though she is that) at the expense of Mark Kelly, who’s running for re-election next year...clip leads into an interesting discussion about the Sturm und Drang, if you will, between moderate and progressive U.S. House Dems...

...and staying with “The world’s greatest deliberative body” (please), I guess wingnut Repug U.S. Senator John Barrasso gets a pass so often party because he’s clear across the other side of this country, not quite to the “left” coast, but here he is, damning the Biden agenda which is, as Brian Tyler Cohen tells us, VERY popular...

...and it looks like sh*t is about to get real for Matt Gaetz in FLA (about time), seeing as how he’s hired a bunch of lawyers specializing in sex crimes, as Brian Tyler Cohen tells us...

...and speaking of legal stuff, Farron Cousins tells us that subpoenas are going out all over the place from the 1/6 U.S. House Commission (and kudos to U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan for this)...

...and Robert Reich reminds us that 70% of our economy is driven by spending, and of course, most of the productivity gains have gone to the top 1% (with those two facts operating in diametric opposition to one another), which is probably committed to everyone’s collective memory at this point...or at least, anybody who reads dumb blogs like this one...

...and RIP George Frayne (alias Commander Cody).

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