Thursday, October 07, 2021

Thursday Stuff

Hey, did you know that South Dakota (land of Kristi Noem and the Sturgis super-spreader COVID rallies) is a leading tax haven, along with the Cayman Islands and other offshore places? Well, you learn something new every day I guess...


...and I don’t know what the latest is with the infrastructure/Build Back Better bills or if they’ll ever see the light of day, but at a minimum, we should continue focusing of “Curtsy Kyrsten” and Manchin for their awful obstruction, and this More Perfect Union video brings us some “receipts” on Sinema...

...and this Rebel HQ video with Ben Carollo shows Bernie Sanders taking the necessary-but-still-extraordinary step of calling out Manchin and Sinema on their obstruction...

...and Texas’s typically horrible “forced birth” law is halted for now, as John I. and Michael Shure tell us...

...and Beau gives us another take on “The Battle of Hayes Pond” (the Charles Graham ad which apparently is pretty accurate...and the way I interpret what Beau says at the end is that we’re in a dark place in this country where we have to re-fight battles over the Klan and white supremacy that shouldn’t have to be fought any more...but that’s just me I guess)...

...and here is the actual ad - should include it as long as I'm commenting on it...

...and David Doel tells us the story of Josh Archibald of the Edmonton Oilers, whose playing days may be effectively over all because he decided not to get “the jab” (unless he has a health issue we don’t know about, what a prized moron to piss away an NHL career)...

...and on this day in 1989, Jefferson Starship performed a concert, and the price of admission was a donation to a San Francisco-area food bank...nicely done.

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