Sunday, October 03, 2021

Sunday Stuff

(Yeah I know Kennedy, Scalia and RBG are in the cartoon, but I still think it applies.)

Chris Hayes tells us about the recent SCOTUS media whining about how the High Court is supposed to be impartial or something and “above the fray” or whatever, which of course is total BS based on their rulings and public actions overall...make no mistake that “Strip Search Sammy” Alito was the driving force behind Citizens United, while Hangin’ Judge JR wanted to keep the final ruling a lot more narrow, as discussed by Adam Winkler in this great book, and of course “Almost Silent” Clarence Thomas’s wife has been a conservative activist for awhile, and we’re supposed to believe that that doesn’t play into Thomas’s rulings...Poppy Bush did some good things and some bad things too of course, but Thomas may end of being 41’s worst overall legacy...


...and David Doel brings us a 2018 campaign ad from “Curtsy Kyrsten” in which she claims that she wants to fight high drug prices, which of course is yet another lie from her; all politicians are shameless, but she takes it to an unbelievable new level...

...and Cenk, Jayar and Adrienne Lawrence tell us that Alex Jones lost bigly, you might say, with a default judgment against him in the case of the Sandy Hook parents suing him for defamation...I’d forgotten about the abuse some of the grieving parents had to endure from Jones’s rabid nut-job followers – a shame these life forms can’t face criminal proceedings, though that may be pending I realize (they SHOULD anyway...GREAT point about that nut Jones trying to sue TYT and realizing that, yeah, me suing them means I DO know what culpability is)...

...and I know I had a More Perfect Union video highlighting how Dem U.S. House Rep Kathleen Rice sold out her constituents on the ability of Medicare to negotiate for lower drug prices, and the other of the three reps, Dem Scott Peters, gets his “turn in the barrel,” you might say, here...I hope a video against Kurt Schrader is coming next – we’ll see...

...and this new Second Thought clip tells us why terrorism is a dangerous word (the only minor issues I have with this otherwise spot-on clip are that there was a time in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s where groups like the Weather Underground, which was a radical split-off group from the SDS, bombed ROTC offices and other government facilities during the Vietnam War, but wrong as that was, that is FAR in the rear-view mirror at this point when it comes to violence and lefties...also, good job to mention COINTELPRO, which could easily be the subject of a whole other video...however, citing MOVE as strictly an example of government terrorism run amok is DEFINITELY MISSING THE POINT...yes, the city overreacted, but it’s not as if the alleged adults living on Osage Avenue in that compound didn’t have the much simpler option of doing the right thing, which they definitely chose NOT to do...also, good job to mention South America and the role of United Fruit in creating unrest, with the company having ties to the Dulles Brothers during the Cold War)...

...and happy belated 76th birthday to Don McLean...and this year marks the 40th anniversary of a McLean concert I attended at Temple University’s Ambler Campus (great show...he got halfway through “American Pie,” messed up the lyrics, then did it all over again and nailed it, and I think he did this tune also which I find often fits nowadays, the way, speaking of Temple Ambler – a soft spot for your humble narrator – it got hit pretty hard with the remnants of Hurricane Ida...if you can help them out, please click here).

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