Friday, September 03, 2021

Friday Stuff

John I. and Jackson White of The Damage Report give us their take on the SCOTUS “shadow” ruling to let that utterly horrible Texas abortion law stand...aside from the perpetrators themselves, there are so many other people to blame IMO for this, notably Susan Collins (who I’m sure is “disappointed” even though she trusted “I Like Beer” Kavanaugh to NOT rule the way he did, which of course was the act of an utter fool, and that goes for both of them), and Di Fi for team “D” in the Senate isn’t much better, trusting Amy Coney Island Baby Barrett who also was a perpetrator in this vile act, which really should have surprised exactly NOBODY...yeah I know Hillary Clinton wasn’t exactly the favorite person of a lot of people, including yours truly, but I voted for her because the choice was between her and a lying, narcissistic maniac, and she did warn everybody that the SCOTUS was on the ballot, particularly in ’16, and now look where we are...

...and keeping with “Cult 45,” don’t look now, but the outpatients in support of Combover Caligula are apparently trying for a do-over of their little 1/6 escapade, this time on 9/18 for some reason...people need to go to jail for a loooong time, and I don’t just mean the life forms who staged the attack, but anyone in our government who supported them in any way whatsoever...

...and speaking of the attempt to destroy our democracy last January, Farron Cousins tells us that fundraising groups for Our Orange Pestilence sent $4.3 mil to organizers of the 1/6 insurrection (and yeah, I think it’s interesting how bullet-necklace Katrina Pierson has apparently disappeared, given that her name has surfaced in this clip)...

...and Sam, Emma V. and the crew from The Majority Report tell us that the “chicken littles” are having a field day over the release of the latest Social Security Trustee Report (just get rid of the damn cap on earnings subject to Social Security withholding, and yeah, the funding issue is pretty much solved – and yes, pearl-clutching over this and attempts to tighten the grip of austerity are pretty much what you can bank on from the “R” party and the usual corporate media suspects when Dems are in charge...interesting lead-in on this with Sam – pretty ends at about 10:00)...

...and the other half of the retirement entitlement that we pay into is Medicare of course, and Harry Reid speaks about why a dental plan should be included (I thought that was already covered – shows what I know...turns out the usual corporate criminals are fighting it...just another example of “American exceptionalism” I guess where our seniors have to gum their cat food because the alleged greatest country on earth somehow doesn’t have enough $$ to take care of the people who need it the most...U-S-A! U-S-A!...snark mode off)...

...and I just wanted to note the recent passing of NBC network newsman Lloyd Dobyns...there was a time when I, like many of you I’m sure, watched network newscasts before they were taken over by the dreaded “cables” and people like Dobyns, Linda Ellerbee, Ray Gandolf and others would present the news, discuss it and interpret it a bit in a manner befitting reasonable and thoughtful adults who just want to be informed on matters affecting their country and the world...Dobyns was part of that breed of newscaster, which is missed and sorely needed now...

...and I don’t know if I’m going to be posting over the weekend or not – this is really a seat-of-the-pants kind of operation, and I can’t guarantee a whole lot – but in case I don’t, I want to make sure that Beau got the last word with this great commentary where he responds to what sounds like a “keyboard commando” taking him to task over some recent commentary on Afghanistan, and Beau gives this character the treatment he deserves, with his restraint speaking volumes as opposed to the pointless bombast of the person who cranked out such a cowardly screed...

...and I absolutely have to get in a little bit of “Friday with Frank” here as we near the official end of summer (sniff)...but again, fall is great too, so let’s look forward to that also, OK?

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