Monday, September 06, 2021

Monday Stuff

Here’s a reminder of the importance of the holiday, as well as the labor movement overall (more here and here)…

Update 1: Talk about a relic (h/t to Thom Hartmann on Twitter)...

Update 2: And no, the fight never really ends, does it (here)?

Update 9/7/21: More here.

...and workers at Oracle Park in San Francisco threatened to strike over violation of COVID safety protocols (and on the eve of a series between the Giants and the Dodgers, as luck would have it)...

...and this More Perfect Union clip tells us that Mastercard is targeting sex workers; just stop being puritanical a-holes and let everybody do their jobs, OK (and why do I have a feeling that this was triggered a bit by the garbage in Texas, with emboldened corporate wingnuts feeling like they can throw their metaphorical weight around)...

...and here's a tune that I think fits pretty well for the holiday.

Update 3: I always wondered if there was another reason why conservatives hated Hollywood and the TV and movie industry so much, aside from the fact that many of them are failed actors/comedians/screenwriters or people successful in their craft who have a grudge anyway (frequently making jokes when celebrity marriages go down the drain, as if that’s any of their business anyway – just got finished reading this great book about Brando, who had a lot of personal issues but was very committed to the American Indian of course along with the NAACP and UNICEF). And I think this post gives us some insight into this, which tells us pretty much how Actor’s Equity was founded in 1919 (featuring the courageous example of Fred Astaire)...really a heroic story as far as I’m concerned (and probably a pretty huge “axe to grind” as far as the wingnuts are concerned).

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