Monday, August 30, 2021

Monday Stuff

(Because of course it wouldn't be a Trump-loving crowd without a misspelled sign...)

David Pakman, just back from his vacation, thinks there’s no bringing back the Trumpists to the reality-based community, and unfortunately he may be right (this includes the bit with Cult 45 in Alabama booing Dear Leader who had the temerity to suggest getting vaccinated...great idea by Pakman to make the anti-vaxxers pay more $$ for hospitalization if they don't get the shot)...

...and Emma and Matt of The Majority Report tell us that The Sunshine State apparently has to siphon water to take care of anti-vaxxers with COVID, leading to a water shortage (another dastardly lib plot revealed, no doubt - removing my tongue from my cheek...NSFW/H)...

...and I have to pinch myself, but apparently #DeathSantis isn’t doing too well with Florida voters over his terrible COVID response (Farron Cousins tells us more – and get a load of this)...

...and Francesca, Cenk and Jordan Uhl tell us that the Neocons are jonesing for MOOOAAAARRRRR WAAAAARRRRR in the aftermath of our pullout from Afghanistan (big surprise I know...NOT! And I know this clip is a little behind the news cycle, but I stil think it has a lot of important stuff)...

..and RIP legendary TV actor and kickass liberal Ed Asner (one of my favorite Asner anecdotes is here)...

...and RIP also Ron Bushy of Iron Butterfly – the Rolling Stone obit has the video for the full 17:03 version of In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, so feel free to enjoy if you so choose...this might be my backup selection for most favorite tune from the band (I know it seems to be turning into "dead musician Monday" around here...just the luck of the draw I guess).

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