Saturday, August 28, 2021

Saturday Stuff

Joy Reid speaks with Dr. Esther Choo and pundit Charlie Sykes on Repug Guv’s Abbott in Texas, #DeathSantis in FLA and Kristi Noem in South Dakota and their COVID respone, or lack thereof (and I’m not really criticizing Sykes, but boy, talk about setting a low bar for Noem...gee, how nice that she’s not going to get in the way of letting businesses do the right thing, but Sykes is correct to point out just how crazy #DeathSantis is in response)...

Update: And you can just lump these 3 characters in with the others noted here of course.

...and Chris Hayes tells us about cops pushing back against vaccine mandates (yeah, pretty much no excuse for that as far as I’m concerned...could do without the "listen up" comment, though)...

...and David Doel brings us a moment of clarity from James Carville on Biden and Afghanistan...and kudos to Biden for this...and by the way, the reason for the compressed timeframe on the evacuees is because Trump originally wanted everyone out by last Christmas, and then last May (here), but Biden pushed for August 31st, and also because Baby Goebbels spiked the visa application process for Afghan refugees so they couldn’t get out earlier – I think Doel’s analysis of the timeframe for the pullout is wrong...

...and I have to admit that I may have gone back and forth on this musical selection more than any other as long as I’ve been working on this dumb blog, for whatever that’s worth, but I’m going to include it even though I most definitely do not agree with the is a 19:00-or-so clip of Eric Clapton talking about his experience getting the two AstraZeneca COVID shots (AZ is approved in the UK) and his opposition to a vaccine mandate...I would say that (as Clapton admits in the recording) his diagnosis of both emphysema and peripheral neuropathy make him an exceptional case (here)...if Clapton has decided to make friends with anti-vaxxer Robin Monotti, that’s his choice, but it doesn’t give him the right to tell people to basically distrust all proven science in the face of a global pandemic – he should take a tour of a COVID ward or two to get an idea of the best way to look out for his kids and grand-kids...I believe he’s in earnest about that, but it doesn’t give him the right to take exactly the wrong lesson from all of this either.

Update 12/19/21: OK, Clapton has now officially lost me with this total dick move (and supporting Greg Abbott too? F-you, "slow hand!"...more here).

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