Friday, August 27, 2021

Friday Stuff

(And in case you think I'm making that up, I give you this.)

This video from Don Winslow tells us why we should hold Mango Mussolini’s metaphorical feet to the fire also when it comes to our withdrawal from Afghanistan - more great stuff from Winslow (and of course, that goes for Mike Pompeo also...and oh yeah, there's this too)...

Update: The day will come when we'll never have to worry about hearing any more mutterings from this demented fool. And as far as I'm concerned, that day can't come soon enough (here).

...and Beau gives us a lesson on 20/20 hindsight when it comes to our exit from our latest war (didn't know how treacherous that road apparently is from Kabul to Bagram, but it's not surprising in the least)...

...and Jackson White of Rebel HQ brings us this clip of a Trumpette somewhere making noise about committing wholesale violence to try and reinstall Dear Leader; the difference this time is that an active duty member of our military shares her thoughts also...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about Dem Illinois Guv J.B. Pritzker giving it back to a wingnut reporter on dealing with COVID, mask mandates, etc. (apparently, this is the latest dustup in a long-running battle between Pritzker and some midwestern wingnut media types, and this Amy Jacobson knucklehead in particular, as noted here, here and here)...

...and I’m sure this will come as a shock (snark), but states that ended extended unemployment benefits didn’t see job creation as a result (Farron Cousins explains)...

...and sticking with the theme of money matters, Robert Reich gives us a lesson on socialism for the rich...

...and the High Court of Hangin' Judge J.R. has been throwing its weight around lately, you might say, and for bad reasons of course (including "I Like Beer" Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Island Baby Barrett); Chris Hayes tells us about that ridiculous decision to try and force Biden to restart a typically awful Trump policy on immigration (more here)...

...and speaking of legal stuff, gee, maybe if the person behind this ridiculous lawsuit had kept quiet, nobody would know they they're the baby in the swimming pool, amirite?

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