Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Wednesday Stuff

This Now This clip provides some more detail from Igor Volsky (formerly of Think Progress) on the executive actions taken by President Biden related to common sense gun reform (of course, what we REALLY need is for Congress to act, but I’m not holding my breath given that nothing on the federal level happened after Sandy Hook...once more, love to be wrong)...

...and this Meidas Touch video (titled the “GOP Pedo Ring”) is kind of self-explanatory (and once more, if the Democrats knew anything at all about messaging – noted in another video in this post – they would make damn sure what’s presented here became ingrained in the minds of every voter in this country)...

..and David Pakman tells us that embattled GOP congressional lowlife Matt Gaetz is suspected in a “ghost” candidate scheme...I know I touched on this last Saturday, but apparently more metaphorical shoes have dropped on this story since, though apparently Gaetz is in deeper doo-doo on other stuff of far as I’m concerned, Jill Stein was a “ghost” candidate in 2016 (and still, the only candidate of the “party of Lincoln” who has told Gaetz to GTFOH is Adam Kinzinger...still crickets from this guy)...

...and this TYT clip tells us about Fix and Fiends attacking Biden on Infrastructure (yes, Buttigieg was off with the numbers, sure, but take a look at the people throwing stones, and he’s also done a good job in other interviews despite what Ana says...I get a little tired of Cenk and Ana beating the anti-corporate Dem drum the way they do, though I definitely agree with them that the Dems SUCK at messaging and are still behind the proverbial 8-ball in using social media – why I will never truly know)...

...and a hat tip for this video goes out to Egberto Willies of Daily Kos (you can follow him on Twitter and subscribe to his YouTube channel also of course), with Mika B. talking with Steve Rattner about increased income inequality as a result of the pandemic (of course, Willie Geist and Randall Lane have to find a way to blunt this story somehow ...“hey, we had 483 new billionaires”...but fortunately, Rattner and the other political reporter at the end make sure we “keep our eye on the ball”)...

...and happy belated 75th birthday to Al Green (not the Dem TX U.S. congressman, I hasten to add, though he's a good dude too...any time I hear this song any more, all I can think of is a close-up of Bruce Willis's face listening to profane instructions from Ving Rhames based on this movie).

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