Thursday, April 15, 2021

Thursday Stuff

John and Jayar of The Damage Report tell us about the response from Dr. Anthony Fauci on CNN to the charge from The Swanson TV Dinner Heir that the COVID-19 vaccines allegedly aren’t any good (making it excruciatingly hard to actually get to a point where we can resume something approximating a normal routine – I’m beginning to wonder if we’ll EVER be rid of this plague...and as someone who gew up in Philly, maybe I shouldn't say this, but I love the fact that Fauci responds with his "New Yawwk" accent that he grew up with, as if to add an unspoken "FU" to Carlson)...

...and sticking with The Roger Ailes BS much as I wish for Rupert The Pirate to get his comeuppance at long last, I just don’t see that happening in this world, though, like Limbaugh, Murdoch’s ultimate reckoning awaits...

...and this Now This clip tells us about Republicans from the Texas suburbs who were encouraged to be poll watchers against “fraud” in Houston – yep, only people with the right skin color should use the universal franchise once more as far as they’re concerned, and the whiter, the better I guess...

...and Farron Cousins tells us about the assclown governor of Mississippi, Tate Reeves, who apparently wants to designate April as Confederate History Month (yep, when Repugs refuse to face issues for real, they just retreat to their tribal culture wars BS)...

...and Sam and Emma of The Majority Report tell us about “Man Tan” Boehner’s attempt at image rebuilding to sell his book, with the help of the thoroughly unctuous Willie Geist of “Morning Jo(ke).”

As for yours truly, I’ll tell you exactly what my issue is with Boehner (and I’m a little surprised the video didn’t touch on this)...
Boehner played a pivotal role in the 2011 budget ceiling garbage and the sequestration deal that resulted from it (a totally manufactured “crisis”) with the Obama Administration. The thinking by the Obama folks was OF COURSE we’ll come up with some kind of an agreement over spending with Boehner, because nobody wanted the sequester to go into effect, arbitrarily slashing governmental spending across the board (except, quite rightly, for entitlements and the military, though apparently entitlements have been affected somewhat too). Well, it turned out that the Obama folks naively didn’t pick up on the fact that INITIATING THE SEQUESTER WAS THE WHOLE GODDAMN POINT!

And if you want to get an idea of how harmful the sequester has been, I offer this, this, and this (and I'll keep looking for more current information, but this is apparently yet another topic that our corporate media refuses to deal with)...

Update 4/21/21: And let's not forget this about Boehner also.

...and speaking of fails by the fourth estate, I honestly don’t know why this wasn’t included in the clip with Rachel Maddow speaking with Sherrilyn Ifill of the NAACP about all of the garbage voting bills in this country, as well as this and this (Maddow led into this segment by mentioning the full-page ads in the Times and the WaPo...and speaking once more of fourth-estate fails, I give you this)...

...and this video is about a year old I know, but it has to do with CEO Dan Price, who has been trumpeting how he commendably raised the salaries of his workers and managed to grow his business at the same time, contrary to right-wing BS economy orthodoxy of course (more here)...

...and as long as money seems to be a recurring theme in this post, I thought I’d present this timely number (I believe the filing deadline was extended to May 17th – we managed to do OK this year and we hope you do too).

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