Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Tuesday Stuff

I would say that the era of “vaccine passports” has already arrived, in accordance with Keith Olbermann’s entirely correct IMO observations here; actually, given stories like this, we may get to the point in this country where people from one state/commonwealth may have to quarantine when they travel vs. people from other places who won’t have to – love to be wrong...

...and Cenk and Ana tell us about Caron Nazario, who was the officer pulled over in Virginia by police in that commonwealth (and by the way, I’m not disagreeing with what Cenk and Ana say here about the Democrats – Obama once had that “beer summit,” which was nothing but a stupid one-off of a photo op – but I would only point out how the Dems got absolutely clobbered over “defund the police” in 2020...blame cowardly politicians, but blame STOO-PID voters for validating bullshit right wing talking points too...and in response to this, I have one word: GOOD!)...

...and David Doel tells us about the shooting of Daunte Wright in Minnesota by a cop who apparently thought she had a taser instead of a gun (an update is here)...And I can tell you right now how the wingnuts are going to clap-back over this; they’re going to mention the state troopers in Texas and Iowa who were killed recently (apples and oranges, I know) and say...to paraphrase Cenk...”HOW DARE YOU EVEN MENTION DOING ANYTHING WHATSOEVER TO AFFECT THE COPS OVER THIS!! BACK THE BLUE!!! BLUE LIVES MATTER!!!” And their lemming-like viewers and listeners will lap it all up and use it to vote against Democrats, screwing themselves over yet again...see previous comment about BS talking points...

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 4/15/11...it’s not often that these selections are so topical in the news, but this is one such rare occasion; the following video from the “Rethink Afghanistan” series from Brave New Films gives us the “Afghan War Calculator,” which is timely given this announcement from the Biden Administration that we are leaving that country at long last, as noted here...

Update 4/14/21: The Afghanistan story made me recall this post, for what it's worth.

...and Brian Tyler Cohen tells us all about wingnut Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s selective outrage over the conditions at a migrant detention facility (and yeah, spare me this garbage of “under Trump it was federal and we didn’t have jurisdiction, but under Biden it’s a state matter, so we do”...you either care about kids separated from their families and forced to live in horrendous conditions of utter deprivation or you don’t)...

...and I honestly don’t have a clue as to what corporations in the aggregate, you might say, are going to do with the mid-term elections coming up, though, as Farron Cousins says, it’s interesting that they had a call over the weekend to figure out what to do in response to the awful voter suppression bills such as the one in Georgia and others making their way through legislatures across the country (in the end, Repugs fall in line, and I have a feeling they’ll do that again here, though I very much want to be wrong on that also)...

...and I was glad to come across this clip from Ali Velshi of MSNBC about the importance of immigrants to this country (should be obvious, but I guess it bears repeating from time to time)...

...and happy 77th birthday to bassist extraordinaire Jack Casady of Jefferson Airplane and Hot Tuna (and my bad for failing to mention the 80th birthday of Jorma Kaukonen last December).

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