Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Tuesday Stuff

I just don’t know what the hell else there is that's left to say at a certain point – an update from our most recent gun carnage, this time in Boulder, Colorado, is here...and to think we’ve been covering this same old tired, stupid ground on this for at least 12 years based on this (expired links and all), though much longer in actuality I know...and what great timing for this tweet...

Update 1: The NRA is absolutely the scum of the earth, but we knew that (here).

Update 2: And oh yeah, I almost forgot this.

...so, given that they’re blowing off the gun crisis in this country, what are Repugs (and their corporate media acolytes) focusing on instead? Why, the situation at our southwest border that was allowed to deteriorate under Our Traitorous Orange Pustule instead (though of course Biden is getting blamed for that now...K.O. introduces some reality here)...

...and as part of the whole, “Don’t pay attention to 10 people killed and 21 injured in a Colorado mass shooting – look over there instead!” nonsense, the “party of Lincoln” is complaining about gas prices which (and everyone sing along at home with me) always go down in the fall and winter and always go up in the spring and summer, as David Shuster explains...

...oh, and in “the sunshine state,” they’re also trying to criminalize civil disobedience (what country am I living in again?)...

...and I guess this constitutes little more than a bad joke at this point, but I feel like pointing it out anyway – apparently, that syphilitic orange sack of trans fats that allegedly served as our 45th president is going to try and launch his own social media platform, as Farron Cousins tells us...

...and given the headline story, I offer the following without further comment.

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