Thursday, March 25, 2021

Thursday Stuff

In response to that thoroughly execrable POS #CancunCruz here, I present the following video of actual grieving human beings from our most recent gun carnage in Boulder, CO (“We have to be loud, not silent.” Indeed...and oh yeah, there's this too)...

...and sticking with Repug U.S. Senatorial asshats, David Pakman tells us that John N. Kennedy is concerned about “idiot control” instead of gun control (maybe he should start with himself)...

...and in response to Cruz and Kennedy, I present this clip of former Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger (who was hardly a lib, it should be noted) talking about, in essence, the utter fraud of the misinterpretation of the 2nd Amendment (and Burger mentions cars too)...

...and John and Jayar of The Damage Report tell us about all the moolah Cruela DeVos “earned” while taking up space as Trumpster Ed Secretary (pardon me while I puke)...

...and gee, did you know that Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao said the filibuster wasn’t racist? Uh, suuure – “just say ‘oops’ and get out” (and c’est dommage on this too, Sen. McTurtle... and yeah, “What indeed are the Democrats going to do about the filibuster?” That is indeed the question, but I guess they’d better ask “President” Manchin)...

...and it looks like U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Y’all-Qaeda) used our currency as an attempted excuse to attack Georgia’s “souls to the polls” Sunday voting initiative, trying to claim some “holier than thou” high ground (and call me a filthy unkempt liberal blogger, but what the hell is she doing commenting on voting in Georgia? Oh, and isn’t the “sabbath” from dusk Friday to dusk Saturday and not Sunday anyway? David Shuster explains)...

...and staying below that Mason-Dixon line, kudos once again to Rachel Maddow for connecting the dots on Texas Repug Sen. John Cornyn’s opposition to Vanita Gupta at the DOJ – more here (God almighty, how much of an idiot do you have to be to vote for these characters like all of the Repug senators in this post? Maybe it’s just as well that I don’t know)...

...and given what just happened in CO, I have to tell you that I'm not done with my gun songs (particularly in light of this treasonous numbskull from that state), so here's another one.

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