Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Wednesday Stuff

I would say the kid from Scranton made the most of his opportunity today.

There has to be a word that embodies the resilience, dedication and intelligence of Joe Biden. Have I always agreed with him? Definitely not (here is a rather ignominious example in the past from yours truly – mea maxima culpa).

But you’d have to go a looong way to find someone of his accomplishments. Yes, there are plenty of doddering old heads in our government (on both sides of the aisle), but Biden has found a way to outlast the vast majority of them and ascend to the very pinnacle of political power in this country, if not the world. I still remember that he once appeared as a panelist on “Real Time With Bill Maher” I think from the ’08 campaign and he basically held court and took over the show, not in a grating or obnoxious manner, but by the depth and breadth of experience exemplified in everything he said.

I thought his speech hit all of the right notes (yeah, it would have been hard not to like it, I realize). It was skillful (and completely necessary) to weave in the catastrophic events of two weeks ago into a message of hope and purpose. And the truth. And unity.

The harder work will come later, but this was a great start (like many of you I realize, I’d forgotten what actual presidential leadership sounded like and looked, I also haven’t forgotten about his support for the awful bankruptcy bill, and the Iraq war which was worse, but we have to find a way to move forward)...

...and it sounds like at least a portion of the world, if not the majority, was pleased by what happened today also...

...and while I was digging around, I found this clip of Biden speaking about the importance of what would become the ACA from about 12 years ago, and I thought it was typical of the straightforward manner he demonstrated again today...

...and John and Francesca tell us about some stuff Biden can do pretty quickly, like reversing some of the ruinous policies of the Gropenfuhrer...

...and speaking of 45, as much as I wish we were rid of him and his cohort of grifters and criminals including much of his family, yeah, he’ll be back in the public eye, unfortunately, at some point; Rachel Maddow gave him the shove out the metaphorical door he deserved (but believe it or not, he apparently leaves office with a 79 percent approval rating from Republicans, as noted here – and THAT is the problem, dear reader!)...

...and by rights, I shouldn’t have anything to do with this guy since he’s been an anti-social distancing jackass, but I can think of no more appropriate tune for today than this one.

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