Friday, January 22, 2021

Friday Stuff

Yeah, I know what The Lincoln Project is, but damn, they make good ads (may be going through Trump meme withdrawal, but I’m happy to do it)....

...but just as a reminder that we still have a bunch of lowlifes to deal with, Chris Hayes speaks with HuffPo’s Matt Fuller about “Dr.” Andy Harris trying to bring a gun into the U.S. House chamber (yep, I agree with Hayes; there are QUITE A LOT OF PLACES where you shouldn’t be allowed to enter with a gun, and that’s one of them)...

...and RIP baseball legend Hank Aaron, a total class act who was one of many great players to feast on Phillies pitching from back in the day (this is his most iconic accomplishment of course...yes, Barry Bonds would break the record later, but this was truly a magic moment...and this is another reason to admire Aaron)...

...and somehow I missed Penguin Awareness Day last Wednesday – how about if I try to make amends with a little Friday funk?

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