Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Tuesday Stuff

John Iadarola and Aida Rodriguez tell us that, apparently, Generalissimo Trump had to be stopped from going to the Capitol while impeachment was going on in the House (would have been still more of a ridiculous spectacle if they’d allowed it of course, which probably would have generated good ratings for cable news if nothing else)...

...and MSNBC’s Alicia Menendez speaks with Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and Attorney General Dana Nessel about the threat of still more domestic violence for the upcoming inauguration (“This has been going on for 10 months and we’re asking people to take this seriously”...uh. yep...and I’m a little disgusted that they gave so much time to this knuckle dragger Michael Lackomar, who apparently has what passes for a political opinion that’s a mile wide but a quarter of an inch deep, but I guess it was necessary)...

...and sticking with Michigan, Rachel Maddow reports on the Flint water disaster and related recent indictments (good that she recalls that horrible Michigan “emergency manager” law that those disgusting Repugs in the state house passed...apparently, though, Snyder will be charged with a misdemeanor that is only punishable by a max of a year in prison...so naaah, he won’t see any jail time...love to be wrong)...

...and Thom Hartmann tells us about the right-wing nutzoids blaming Nancy Pelosi for 1/6/21 – gets to news at about 3:40 after some housekeeping stuff (”This is the result of coddling right-wing terrorists for 30 years.” indeed)...

...and Chris Hayes speaks with Christina Greer of Fordham University about the so-called “1776 Report,” which, given that this is pretty much the last gasp of Trumpsterism from the White House, is about as odious as you can expect (more here)...

...and speaking of conservatives having a hissy fit, it looks like they’re clutching their pearls, as it were, over the fact that Bernie Sanders is going to be the incoming chair of the Senate Budget Committee; David Doel tells us more (and I know people are pissed at Schumer for that power-sharing arrangement he’s concocted with Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao, but though Schumer definitely isn’t my favorite person by any means, I’m going to “keep my powder dry” on this one since I don’t think it’s worth the fight for now)...

...and yes, I know he was found guilty of second-degree murder in the killing of Lana Clarkson, and he was genuinely a whacked-out individual in a lot of ways, but there’s no denying the influence of Phil Spector on American music, particularly what I guess you could call pop music, rock and rhythm and blues, and I wouldn’t wish a COVID death on anybody – this tune is emblematic of his legacy...

...and in fewer words, here's a message for our 45th *president.

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