Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Wednesday Stuff

Sam Seder tells us the story of this Dave Piepkorn character in Fargo, North Dakota, the deputy mayor and a city commissioner, who believes that masks don’t stop the spread of COVID-19, which of course happens to fly in the face of all known science (as I and others have said before, if you don’t like a mask, you’re REALLY not going to like a ventilator)...

...meanwhile, for the sane point of view in North Dakota, Chris Hayes speaks with Dr. Joshua Wynne (to me, the biggest takeaway is that the 20-29 age group is getting hardest hit; remember all the wingnuts who told young people they didn’t have anything to worry about from the virus?)...

...and David Pakman tells us how the whole supposedly big New York Post non-story about Hunter Biden is collectively blowing up in the faces, so to speak, of various Repug media operatives and the Trumpers as well...

...and K.O. echoes some of these points in his own commentary (NSFW/H)...

...and returning to the elections, I thought this was a good ad for Christina Finello, running to unseat Bri-Fi in the PA-01 U.S. House contest...

...and anybody remember that Barack Obama guy? You know – a president who, in addition to actually being sane, delivered an endless stream of ABSOLUTELY NO SCANDALS and was respected and admired on the world stage? Well, here he is to endorse Gary Peters, running for another term in the U.S. Senate from Michigan (and to help their fellow Dem Jeanne Shaheen, running for another term in New Hampshire, please click here, and this links to other Dem U.S. Senate candidates)...

...and maybe the incumbent U.S. Senate Dem facing the longest odds is Doug Jones of Alabama - great ad calling out Tommy Tuberville for exactly what he is as far as I'm concerned...

...and returning to our beloved commonwealth, I thought this was well done from The Lincoln Project; yeah, I know that these people are Republican grifters at their core, but they continue to do good work (trying to catch up with some videos in this post in case that wasn't already obvious)...

...and sticking with PA (and focusing on the City of Brotherly Love to be exact), the scene in this clip happened 40 years ago today (more here – the putout prior to Tug McGraw striking out Willie Wilson was the foul popup that popped out of Bob Boone’s glove that was caught by Pete Rose...the Phillies never would have won without Rose, which is the main reason why I hope he is reinstated by MLB one day...and yes, I know the gambling was bad, but others in that sport have done worse as far as I'm concerned)...

...and kudos to Peter Frampton for pusing back against that Dave Piepkorn clown, as noted here - I think Frampton should be rewarded with a tune for it, so here it is.

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