Sunday, October 18, 2020

Sunday Stuff


OK, I’m back, having endured my brief visit to Pennsyltucky, Adams County to be exact. And on Route 116 heading north to Gettysburg, I saw this utterly ridiculous sign on the lawn of someone who I’m sure was a local Repug poobah (funny it didn’t catch on because it has the alliteration the wingnuts and our corporate media just loves to use against the Dems).

Also, on Route 15 north heading back to the PA Turnpike interchange, I saw a huge ass billboard saying “Had Enough? Vote Republican.”

Umm...we’re in the mess we’re currently in BECAUSE OF REPUBLICANS! It should be noted, though, that the billboard was meant to slam Dem Governor Tom Wolf, who, as far as I’m concerned, has done a heroic job of limiting the hit from COVID-19 in PA, though I have a feeling his work may be undone by the onset of flu season and other nonsense from the “party of Lincoln” in Harrisburg. And also, there were these billboards on a few turnpike locations (and according to the linked story, the individuals behind them are too cowardly to come forward and accept responsibility...and for those who may have forgotten, PA Repug State Sen. Scott Wagner ran against Gov. Wolf in 2018 and basically blew up his campaign when he threatened to stomp Wolf's face with spiked golf cleats as noted here).

Well then, I offer this clip for every Republican in Adams County...

Update 10/24/20: And this makes those signs even more ridiculous.

...and as Kyle K. tells us, Mango Mussolini has pretty much lost suburban women voters as a demographic (slightly NSFW/H)...

...and I’m glad Sam of “The Majority Report” didn’t let Rod Rosenstein off the hook for the latter’s infamous work with Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III in separating kids from their parents at our border – I can recall when our utterly useless corporate media tried to portray Rosenstein as some kind of a heroic intermediary against Bill Barr allowing Robert Mueller to put his report together that many of us thought would ultimately lead to the Gropenfuhrer’s removal from office (and I may have bought into that a little too...mea maxima culpa), when in fact the whole damn thing turned out to be Repugs Covering Up For Each Other, Part The Infinity as Charlie Pierce might say...

...and kudos to Greta Thunberg for speaking up once again to encourage votes for Biden/Harris, as John and Francesca of The Damage Report tell us...

...oh, and please try to tell me again how “liberal” NBC and MSNBC supposedly are, basically rewarding (as David Doel quite rightly points out) Our Orange Pustule-In-Chief for bailing on the second Biden debate with his own “town hall” event full of the typical Doel correctly notes, our utterly useless corporate media will do ANYTHING for a “horse race” with the highest possible ratings...

...and in keeping with the “fourth estate,” this story (probably behind the wretched pay wall of the NYT) has to do with Repug-friendly PR outfits masquerading as news outlets trying to fill the gap caused by the decline in circulation of local newspapers...we don’t subscribe to daily newspapers anymore because we’re tired of subsidizing wingnut garbage, and it’s just been a “race to the bottom” for dailies as they try to suck up to conservatives with $$ even though they’re a shrinking demographic...just rotten economics all around, but I don’t absolve news organizations for not being creative enough to change their model of providing content in a way that ensures their survival (and when it comes to “journamalism,” as Atrios sez, I also give you this...puts me in mind to hear this tune again).

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