Thursday, October 22, 2020

Thursday Stuff

We can rid ourselves of this monster in 12 days, people (and vote out every single Republican who enabled him too)...

...and speaking of Republican enablers, maybe I should apologize for giving WAY TOO MUCH time to that utterly lying weasel Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao here, but in response to his garbage (presented by Sam Seder), let me just ask the following: whose idea was it to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR THE VAST MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY when the Dems passed the HEROES Act in MAY??!! And if you don’t like the bill (even though I think it’s less than what is needed at $2 trillion – leave it to the Dems to deliberately shoot too low to start and hurt their bargaining position), then at least introduce it to the floor for debate and a vote INSTEAD OF GOING ON FREAKING VACATION!!! (here and here).

And if #midnightmoscowmitch were actually serious about negotiating in the first place, then try explaining this (more is here).

Hey Kentucky – do you want to end this garbage once and for all? Then click here.

Update: Yeah, let "Grim Reaper" McConnell twist in the wind - just what he deserves (here).

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 10/19/ noted here, Supreme Court nominee Amy "Coney Island Baby" Barrett indeed has ties to Charles Koch, probably because he envisions that she’ll be part of a SCOTUS that will gut environmental regulation once and for all, and to get a taste of the horrific consequences of Koch’s war on the environment, I give you another great video from Robert Greenwald and Brave New Films...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about Number 44’s remarks in Philly yesterday – important to support not just Biden but every Democrat running for Congress, particularly the Senate (the list is here...more here)...

...and as a bit of a warmup for tonight's debate (which, again, I won't be watching because I have no intention of every supporting any Republican politician ever again), I give you this great Biden ad; if nothing else, the Biden/Harris team definitely leapfrogged the Clinton/Kaine team 4 years ago by leaps and bounds in that department...

...and RIP Spencer Davis of his self-named group, which had a lot to do with launching the career of Steve Winwood.

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