Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Wednesday Stuff (update)


(Note: The cartoon above came from Bruce MacKinnon of the Chronicle Herald in Halifax, Nova Canada, in case you weren’t sure. It has to do with the Brett Kavanaugh hearings. And yeah, I think it matters given that we have a *president and a Supreme Court Justice who have each been accused multiple times of sexual misconduct. And I realize that doesn’t have a direct bearing on who Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao and his same-party playmates are going to rush through to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but it DOES have to do with utterly abusing the U.S. Constitution which these cretins swore to protect and defend...not just 45, but every Republican in the federal government as far as I’m concerned.)

Sam and the “Majority Report” crew tell us about the two leading contenders for Our Orange Pustule and his desire to ignore the vast majority of this country and ram through a wingnut replacement for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and those two would be Amy Coney Barrett and Barbara Lagoa, who are both awful for different reasons apparently (and by the way, former Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell was a Democrat, albeit a very conservative one...and personally, I don’t care if they’re Druids...what I care about is that they’re bound to be anti-choice, anti-worker, anti-environment, or else they wouldn’t be backed by The Federalist Society...pretty much anti-everything if it doesn’t help the ”one percent”...and yeah, this gives away the game too, as Sam alluded to, doesn't it?)...

Update 9/26/20: Yep, as bad as I feared - maybe worse (here and here)...

...and Farron Cousins wonders if Our Traitorous Orange Meat Sack may be bleeding electorally from his beloved base at last – if true, it’s about freaking time (but, to be fair, we don't know and we can't make assumptions of course)...

...and John and Ana of TYT tell us about the Trump gang getting “naked votes” in PA thrown out...I have a little insight into this, since we at Le Manse Doomsy vote by absentee ballot in our beloved commonwealth – the instructions for using the unmarked privacy envelope and then putting that envelope into the pre-printed one for general mailing are marked pretty well, but yeah, it’s typically disgusting for the “party of Lincoln” to be going to court over this – to me, the answer is a federal “motor voter” law where you are automatically registered and have the default option of a mail-in ballot, though you could opt out of that for in-person voting...and yeah, I know it would take a hell of a lot of money to implement, but we always seem to have $$ for wars and tax cuts of course, so that’s not an issue as far as I’m concerned...

...and happy 71st birthday to The Boss.

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