Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Tuesday Stuff


Kyle K. tells us here about Mango Mussolini’s remarks on MSNBC’s Ali Velshi getting attacked while covering peaceful anti-police protests; typical loudmouth, lying BS from this fraud, and I’m not referring to Kyle and Velshi of course (not completely on board with Edward Snowden, and DEFINITELY not on board with Julian Assange though, I should point out)...

...and Farron Cousins tells us about Trumpsters in Fairfax County, VA trying to prevent people from voting – part of me wants to encourage voters to tell cretins trying to do this stuff to go f*ck right off, but I know Cousins is right, mainly because he’s a lawyer and knows this stuff...

...and this ABC News report tells us about more infighting between the Trumpsters and the CDC, along with a story about 650 million disposable masks that the Post Office planned to send out in April, which I think should gain a hell of a lot of traction in our corporate media (try imagining where we’d be if they had been sent out as opposed to this), but I’m definitely not holding my breath on that...

...and speaking of our corporate media, as far as I'm concerned, this clip should be the ratings death knell for The Roger Ailes BS Factory, but of course I know it won't be...

...and as long as we're talking about Republican sycophants, I should note that, in typical fashion, it looks like PA U.S. Senator "No Corporate Tax" Pat Toomey (R-Elevator) is running and hiding on the issue of the Gropenfuhrer trying to ram through a replacement for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg - "brave sir Patrick ran away"...to help Toomey make up his mind, click here...

Update: Typical for this lying, disgusting fraud (here) - looks like it's time once more for this...

...and Toomey is a blip at about 1:57 here, but never, ever forget that he belongs to the party that wants to “ash can” Social Security, as Rachel Maddow put it accurately, along with Medicare – Toomey and his pals are going to keep trying to run this con over and over, and we all have to do our best to make sure they never succeed...

...and the title of this tune must be the Trumpster credo, but I thought it was kind of a mellow fall number – gets harder and harder to generate good karma, but for what it’s worth, I’m trying.

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