Friday, September 25, 2020

Friday Stuff

Brian Tyler Cohen tells us that Dr. Anthony Fauci has had enough of Rand “Fake Ophthalmologist” Paul, particularly over the Repug Kentucky dimwit’s claim about “herd immunity” In response to the COVID-19 plague...

...and when it comes to the Gropenfuhrer and the pandemic, I honestly don’t know what else needs to be said (except maybe this)...

...and boy, am I ever glad that SOMEBODY is running with this story about the 650 million disposable masks that the Post Office was prepared to send, but it got shot down by the regime of Our Orange Pustule (and as far as I’m concerned, we should take out our anger not just on Mango Mussolini, but EVERY U.S. HOUSE REPUBLICAN and EVERY REPUBLICAN on this list...kudos to Kyle K.)...

...and speaking of federal agencies being prevented from doing their jobs in response to the COVID outbreak, Rachel Maddow brings us a report on Robert Redfield of the CDC putting his metaphorical thumb on a report to the Smithfield meat packing plant in South Dakota to soften the agency’s instructions to try and prevent the outbreak from spreading among the workforce and the surrounding community (and if we decide to go hunting for political scalps, as it were, maybe we should include this person...Maddow’s disgust in the last two minutes in particular is palpable, and completely appropriate)....

...and I thought this was a good recent clip from Chris Hayes about what U.S. Senate Democrats should do in response to Republicans doing their best to ram through another right-wing partisan SCOTUS justice (kind of a ridiculous edit to the video with Hayes cut off almost in mid-sentence)...

...and gee, aren’t you glad that the Seattle cops have learned their lesson in not abusing peaceful protesters (unfortunately, this is a tongue-in-cheek remark, and you can apply this case elsewhere in this country of course based on recent events)...

...and Cenk and Ana of TYT tells us that Fix and Fiends is shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, that left-wing protestors appear to be – wait for it! – ORGANIZED!!!! (in response to the shooting of Breonna Taylor)...

...and happy upcoming 65th birthday to Carlene Carter, the former Mrs. Nick Lowe - a terrific cover of an Elvis Costello tune.

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