Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Wednesday Stuff

Mika and the “Morning Joe” crew meet with actual, bona fide medical experts to talk about the ridiculous and deadly hissy fit Generalissimo Trump is carrying on with Dr. Anthony Fauci (with Fauci, typically to his credit, not taking the bait)…

…and Farron Cousins tells us about the CDC trying to get the word out that it would be an UTTER DISASTER for schools to reopen, while being undercut by our ruling regime of liars and frauds as per usual (mildly NSFW/H)…

…and Kyle K. tells us that the richest 1 percent is responsible for 70% of unpaid taxes (about $381 bil - and yeah, there goes that "socialist" Bernie Sanders doing the right thing again), and if these deadbeats would just pay up, it could fund a whole lot of good stuff, like debt-free college, UBI, etc. (”The system is going to collapse under the weight of its own hypocrisy” indeed)…

…and John I. speaks with author Mario Alejandro Ariza about climate change and its potential (likely?) impact on Miami (the racial aspect of this is deplorable all right, but it definitely looks like a case of the “chickens coming home to roost”)…

…and I see a report like this from “The Sunshine State,” and I’m sorry, but I see no hope at all (and yes, I know Miami Dade has a mask ordinance which apparently many people are observing, but at this point, “many people” isn’t good enough - "maskless cheese eaters"...heh)…

…and I realize that I forgot to acknowledge Bastille Day yesterday; my bad – hopefully I can make amends somewhat with this tune.

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