Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Tuesday Stuff

Here’s something I’m not sure that I’ve ever done, and that is to lead in with a CNN video featuring Erin Burnett, and she pretty thoroughly explains the idiocy of Generalissimo Trump’s attacks on Dr. Anthony Fauci, with Dr. Sanjay Gupta and others…

…and Chris Hayes speaks with Dem U.S. Senator Doug Jones of Alabama about a bipartisan bill he’s co-sponsoring to seek additional funding that would allow schools to reopen nationwide…I’m sure there are a lot of good people in Alabama, and I would respectfully ask that they PLEASE re-elect Jones this fall – I know the odds are long because the state traditionally is pretty red, but though I haven’t seen Jones speak too often, whenever I do he makes a lot of sense and he’s doing his job for sure (to help, click here – another strange edit to an MSNBC video that ran for a little bit longer but was clipped for some reason, probably because Jones quite rightly pointed out that #midnightmoscowmitch is sitting on The HEROES Act and I guess The Comcast Network didn’t want anyone to know that)…

…and I think this is another good Lincoln Project video about courage (and in some cases, the lack thereof)…

…and I think Kyle is being a little kinder here to The Swanson TV Dinner Heir than I would be, though I cede Kyle’s points, but yeah, claiming that Biden wants to get rid of the suburbs is pretty gonzo even for Carlson (NSFW/H…I hope Kyle’s forecast at the end is right, but we’ll see of course)…

…and Seth Meyers brings us “A Closer Look,” featuring about as much of Cruela De Vos and the Gropenfuhrer as I can stand (and DeSantis in Florida gets a dishonorable mention for sure – yeah, we don’t see any chest-pounding against the media from this numbskull now, do we?)…

...and I know I need to catch up on my summer selections, and I definitely have to include this one.

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