Friday, July 17, 2020

Friday Stuff

This Now This video presents a couple of doctors who, quite rightly, are pretty fed up with the bitching and whining from people opposed to wearing masks; if we had all done that as a nation when we should have along with the social distancing and shelter-in-place stuff, we’d be starting to see our way out of this mess by now…

…and Farron Cousins tells us that the anti-maskers may be heading for a reckoning starting next week – about freaking time (including this life form...slightly NSFW/H)…

…and David Doel tells us about a NYT story about Our Orange Pustule trying to prevent the CDC from coordinating data on coronavirus and instead having that information go to a “federal database”…kind of unintentionally funny to hear that proposed when the wingnuts howl day and night when that same approach is suggested for the purposes of common-sense gun regulation…

…and this clip from Thom Hartmann is a couple of weeks old I know, but it’s still pretty current sadly…wrapup of how the rest of the world is handling the pandemic aside from us and Brazil – will this country recover from the right-wing billionaires’ war against us? I honestly don’t know…

…and I have to admit that I don’t know what the hell is going on in Portland, Oregon at this moment either, but yeah, I would say that’s it’s definitely a preview to the dystopian hellscape of a (God help us) potential second term under the Gropenfuhrer (more here)…

Update: Yeah, this figures,

…and I realize it doesn’t take much to defeat the bombast of mouth-breathers like Fix Noise’s Brian Kilmeade, but when BoBo and Bedbug Bret depart from “The Old Gray Lady,” then you can try to lay this whole “liberal purge” thing on me, and I probably still won’t believe you (Sam and Michael Brooks talk about all the nonsense with Bari Weiss this week…more here, and Sam was talking about this, by the way)…

…and I thought this was a pretty nice video from Christina Finello, running to unseat Repug Brian Fitzpatrick in the PA-01 U.S. House race (to help, click here...and this is typical for the fawning pro-Repug media coverage in these parts)…

…and RIP Judy Dyble, formerly of Fairport Convention before she was replaced by Sandy Denny.

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