Friday, May 01, 2020

Friday Stuff

Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about the typical nonsensical response from Our Orange Pestilence when he was questioned about the New York Times report last weekend listing all of the times in January and February when he blew off the Coronavirus pandemic (with 45 displaying the typical “many people” lying tell once more...and "very, very strong...death totals?" What a…

…and this Reuters report tells us that the ammo-sexuals were out in force recently in Michigan to protest the shelter-in-place restrictions from Dem Gov. Gretchen Whitmer…OK, there are multiple levels of craziness going on here as far as I can see, mainly because Whitmer, in addition to being a Democrat, is female, which makes her a more inviting target for protest, as well as the fact that Michigan is apparently a hotbed for white nationalism (news to me, I’ll admit, though, given that state's economic decline, maybe it shouldn't be)…make no mistake – these are the Teahadists 2.0; the only difference is that, as opposed to protesting alleged “big gumint” overreach and health care reform 10 years ago, these imbeciles are protesting whether or not people should be allowed to stay alive…also, I’m sure it doesn’t need to be pointed out that there is nothing “grass roots” about these clowns – I’d really be interested to know the median income level for these life forms…they’re doing this cosplay thing like they’re from the “heartland,” when I would venture to guess that a good percentage of them bring in six figures a year (more here)…

Update: Once more - umm...yeah (this too).

Update 5/3/20: Also, this.

…and with a nod to the Michigan craziness, Cenk and Ana of TYT tell us about the Gropenfuhrer pressuring governors to reopen early, schools in particular (and also a Trump hotel in Las Vegas, apparently…color me not shocked)...

...and here’s a new Lincoln Project ad against Repug senators up for election this to watch Repugs gang up on each other (you could add a few more to this video as far as I'm concerned, like this one, this one, this one, this one, and this one)...pass the popcorn...

…and I thought Farron Cousins brought the proverbial fire here in the matter of a likely second COVID-19 wave this fall, as indicated by Dr. Fauci; love to be wrong, but unfortunately all signs point to that, including the insanity in Michigan noted previously…

…and Ari Melber brought us a bit of a history lesson here on how the prior administration handled science overall, as well as the two outbreaks under the watch of the Obama Administration (truly heartbreaking to watch this now)

…and in an attempt to lighten things up a bit, I give you this wrapup by Jimmy Kimmel from a day or so ago, including Onward Christian Soldiers Mike Pence refusing to wear a mask when he visited the Mayo Clinic recently (hereand yes, he knew exactly what he wasn’t doing...and what a snowflake...and I know some of this is repetitive; it is for a reason)…

…and in another gesture towards something approaching normalcy, you might say, I give you a little “Friday with Frank” timed for the season.

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