Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tuesday Stuff

As far as I’m concerned, these Teahadist 2.0 uprisings (featured in the Now This clip) deserve whatever scorn we can heap upon them (and a pox on Fix Noise, which spreads the utter misinformation that motivates these life forms…in response to that yelling woman, I should point out that a family member is a nurse, and that protester is an idiot...and yeah, I think this says it)…

…and if EVER hear about a politician running for ANY ELECTED OFFICE AT ALL who claims to HATE GOVERNMENT (which automatically begs the question, "why the hell are you doing this?," with their inevitable comeback that the private sector can allegedly do everything better), I’m going to remind them of this story of food utterly going to waste in this country while too damn many people go hungry, as Farron Cousins tells us (which is EXACTLY the sort of problem government run by reasonable people with actual brains can solve)…this is worse than incompetence – this is a bleeping sin!...

…and Robert Reich tells us about the usual corporate suspects making out like bandits as always, this time on the alleged “stimulus” for COVID-19 victims, which includes a hell of a lot of people (and by the way, to learn about a country that actually handled this right, I give you this)…

…and yeah, Biden is the default selection for prez as far as I’m concerned because of our Insane Clown Chief Executive, but he shouldn’t even be in the same area code as Larry Summers, for all of the reasons stated by David Doel here (and probably a few here too)…

…and gosh, whaddaya know? It looks like Diamond and Silk are out at Fix Noise – yeah, just throw these two knuckleheads under the proverbial bus, as John sez (with Jordan Uhl), but don’t you dare impugn Sean Inanity, Ingraham, the Swanson TV Dinner heir or any of the other “talent” on that network (harking back a little to the first video)…

...and in my search for something upbeat, I came across this new Pretenders tune, just in time I would say.

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