Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Wednesday Stuff (updates)

Chris Hayes brings all the disgust required as far as I’m concerned towards some of the more visible members of The Roger Ailes BS Factory in the matter of the COVID-19 pandemic…

Update 4/30/20: Speaking of Chris Hayes, this is patently ridiculous. As I note below, I don't think there's much to the whole Tara Reade thing, but that doesn't mean he isn't allowed to cover it.

I get really fed up with listening to Bill Maher, among other people, whine about "cancel culture." Well, unfortunately, this is Exhibit A as far as I'm concerned.

…and as a follow-up to Hayes’s reference to what is going on at our meat packing plants, Rachel Maddow tells us how the CDC under Mango Mussolini is now basically a rubber stamp for the industries it is supposed to regulate…”oh, excuse me, if it isn’t too much trouble, could you please abide by regulations to KEEP WORKERS SAFE SO THEY DON’T DIE ON THE JOB???!!!”…

…and Thom Hartmann talks with Marc Dimondstein, president of the APWU, about the Trump gang trying to put the post office out of business, led by aspiring Bond villain and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin (the bill in question from the sorry reign of Dubya, by the way, is explained here)…

…and I realize I’m a little late with the whole “Trump/Noble” thing, but for what it’s worth, I give you John and Cenk here…

…and Farron Cousins reminds us that, as bad as Our Orange Pestilence is, Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao is somehow worse (to do something about him AT LONG LAST, click here...and unfortunately, I think Cousins is right at the end about the Dems caving in response...and let's not forget about this also, with nary a whimper in response from Democratic minority "leader" Chuck Schumer)…

Update 1 4/30/20: Umm - yeah.

Update 2 4/30/20: More of the same (here)...

...(and by the way, when it comes to the "meaningless hot takes" department, I give you this):
  • I could care less which candidate is endorsed by Joe Rogan and/or Howard Stern. They’re entitled to their opinions even if I thoroughly disagree with them.
  • I have not a clue about what did or didn’t happen with Joe Biden and Tara Reade, and I have a feeling most other people don’t either; this is probably the best account I’ve read on this matter (also this and this). However, in the “two wrongs don’t make a right” department I know, we have an individual taking up space in An Oval Office who has been credibly accused of sexual assault by MULTIPLE women, and Lord knows he isn’t going to go anywhere, at least not without the good, hard shove out the door that he deserves.
  • In a related story, for some reason, I’m seeing Stacey Abrams all over the place on my teevee (granted, maybe I watch MSNBC more than I should :-). I admire her, but I cannot for the life of me understand why anybody cares about her at this point. Yes, she quite probably should be governor of the state of Georgia but for some utterly shameless election hackery by Brian Kemp, but the simple fact of the matter is that SHE LOST! And for her to be seriously considered as a vice presidential nominee for Biden is beyond a joke as far as I’m concerned.
  • …and if I’m going to feature this tune, I’d better hurry up because the month is nearly over.

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