Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Wednesday Stuff

Cenk and Ana of TYT tell us about the segment Alisyn Camerota of CNN recently hosted that highlighted an apparent rift between MAGA nitwits who, for my money, refuse to see reality, and Trump voters with genuine regrets; yes, I’m tempted to trash the latter group too, but if someone’s making a good faith effort to “make straight their path,” then that would be wrong on my part (Cenk is ON FIRE at the end, and boy is he right)…

…and Lawrence O’Donnell hosts retired Gen. Barry McCaffrey and Jason Johnson here; I honestly try to avoid much of the “Trump is crazy!” stuff because I think that issue was settled long ago, but I think McCaffrey has a unique and important perspective, though I greatly disagree with him about Mike Pompeo… GREAT point by Johnson at the end about Trump’s racism basically being a national security issue…

…and Farron Cousins of “Ring of Fire” tells us that half of all Repugs polled think Trump should be allowed to shut down media outlets…and how the hell am I supposed to find some kind of common ground with these life forms? And I’d also like to find out more about this “12 percent of Dems” who actually agree with our Treasonous, Tiny-Handed Orange Dictator on this.

(Also, though I agree with Cousins’ assessment of the corporate media overall, I think he’s wrong to say that the California wildfires have been ignored - though maybe you could argue “under-reported” instead – and yes, while MSNBC continues to report on RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA for ratings I realize, I think it’s also important that they keep doing what they’re doing because the story warrants this kind of coverage.)

(In addition, this segment is kind of funny in a “gallows humor” kind of way when you consider how our conservative house organs masquerading as newspapers in this area – and yes, I’m talking about the Inky and the Bucks County Courier Times – cater so slavishly to the right wing, lizard-brained bipeds who would so quickly throw them over if “Dear Leader” ever gave them the word.)...

…and, as a bit of a change of pace, allow me to point out that today is International Cat Day (kind of makes me want to hear this tune from one of the silliest movies ever made – but still fun in a ‘60s, hare-brained kind of way).

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