Thursday, February 16, 2017

Thursday Stuff

I knew I would eventually have a problem trying to keep up with all of the scandals from President Fergus Laing, and that kind of bit me in a butt a bit with Andrew Puzder, who quite appropriately bailed as Labor Secretary Nominee before I could put up this video from Rachel Maddow – here it is anyway, notable if for no other reason than to point out the serf-like treatment Puzder gave to his employees (“oh, but it’s the franchise owners, not Puzder” – my ass; I worked in fast food many moons ago, people – anyone protesting for a livable wage in that bidness automatically has my respect)…

...well, regardless of what happens with the Trumpsters, I'm sure that pleases this life form...

...who I'm sure believes every word of this clip...

…and K.O. brings us some sage words on Number 45’s recklessness on national security (particularly galling given the way he acted on this during the campaign of course, lying on this like he does with everything else)…

…and given this recent typical idiocy from Steve “Calves The Size of Cantaloupes” King, I’m duly obligated to provide this clip once more (don’t want to contemplate the clueless meat sacks in Iowa who keep sending King back to Congress every two years)…

…and Kyle K. tells us that the Saudis just won some kind of counter-terrorism award; yep, I guess we’re officially “through the looking glass” now (NSFW)…

...and here's a somewhat retro new tune that the kids seem to like, so here it is (a little NSFW).

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