Saturday, February 18, 2017

Saturday Stuff

K.O. is out with #35 (kind of chilling a bit the way he links drug abuse at the end to votes for you-know-who, but the evidence doesn't lie)...

…and Samantha Bee gives Repug U.S. House Rep (and NOT Senator, Sam!) Mr.-Puppy-Dog-Eyes-With-The-Shiv the treatment he deserves here (NSFW)…

…and Rachel Maddow gives us an update on Dems allegedly competing in state and congressional races, with David Nir of Daily Kos also talking about the contest to fill the GA U.S. House seat of sleazeball Tom Price (more here - the “cliff hanger” had to do with the owner of the Miami Marlins baseball team being named ambassador to France if he sold his team to Jared Kushner, who of course is Generalissimo Trump’s son-in-law – the whole thing was put on hold, apparently…nah, no “conflict of interest” here…move along)…

Update 2/20/17: And speaking of important state races...

…and it looks like both chambers of Congress have now rolled back that pesky Obama-era regulation of not letting mentally ill people buy guns, as noted here (and yes, I’m definitely being tongue-in-cheek – and the ACLU doesn't usually put its foot in it as far as I'm concerned, but they sure did this time)...

...and I thought this was a great ad by given everything that's going on...

…and happy 70th birthday to Dennis DeYoung of Styx (with a tune possibly apropos for "Fortress America" envisioned by the Gropenfuhrer?).

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