Friday, January 06, 2017

Friday Stuff

I'm suddenly behind again on K.O.'s great GQ "Resistance" videos - here is #16, on what the spoiled brat about to ascend to power in this country supposedly knows, or THINKS he knows, about the Russian hacking...

...and Rachel Maddow weighs in on what we can do in response here (though I think the following needs to be pointed out also from here)...

...and at a certain point, I don't think this stuff is so funny anymore, but for now...

...and let's hear it for our friends up north, giving us more food for thought on the whole health care issue in this country...

...and as Cenk & co. tell us here, the U.S. House Repugs are apparently going to shed their phony deficit facade once and for all...

…and I know this is a few days late for the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” from 1/2/12, but given all of the recent electoral garbage involving fake news, I think we should never forget what entity is the “alpha and omega,” if you will, when it comes to that sort of thing - and boy, is that network going to have fun with the departure of "Maniac Megyn" Kelly (here) - now Bill Orally has to anchor the prime-time lineup with Tucker...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

...and speaking of Billo the Clown, Sam Seder has some words on all the entertainers blowing off the Bund rally for President-Elect Big Orange Cheetoh (to "Falkland Islands" Bill, have another belt, go fall down in a corner somewhere and sleep it off, OK?)…

…and changing the mood again, remember that, in light of this latest gun-related tragedy (here), today is yet another day not to talk about gun control because Heaven forbid that we politicize that issue (here – related info here)…and yes, I’m removing my tongue from my cheek as I type this.

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