Thursday, January 05, 2017

Thursday Stuff

This clip is almost two years old now, but with all the Beltway prattling about “repeal(ing) and replac(ing)” the Affordable Care Law (here), I thought Dem U.S. House Rep John Yarmuth of Kentucky made a pretty damn convincing case for leaving well enough alone here (And I wonder what would happen if we updated his map? I’m sure there would be a lot more red-to-green-or-blue)…

…and Thom H. gives us his theory on who he claims was the last legitimately elected Republican president – Dwight Eisenhower – and yeah, you can argue that I’m biased on this, but it still sounds pretty damn plausible to me…

...and Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks tells us about Nick Smith from coal country…more smarts in his commentary than from all of these supposed Democratic Party Beltway geniuses; no wonder the Dems continue to lose at the polls…

...and I thought this was an interesting take on the whole "fake news" thing...

…and you know, it’s almost sad to see the descent of Governor Bully with the awful ascendancy of Generalissimo Trump – almost

...and maybe this should be our theme song in the face of the onslaught of wingnut garbage coming our way (in opposition I mean) - just a thought.

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