Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Wednesday Stuff

Happy 90th birthday to President Jimmy Carter – yeah, yeah, we get it, one term and he left with lower approval ratings, and he didn’t play the Beltway insider game the way he should have, but I defy anyone to go back and do a fair, independent analysis of the 1980 presidential campaign and try to catalog the wall-to-wall lies of The Sainted Ronnie R; it will be an eye-opener…wouldn’t have made a difference in the outcome, but imagine the howls of outrage if a Democrat had done anything like that (actually, Bill Clinton turned the tables a bit on that score in ’92 – you know what they say about paybacks; by the way, “The Unfinished Presidency” is a great book)…

...oh, and remember what happened a year ago today? Come on, let’s think really hard now

…and Jon Stewart gives us another lesson in Civics 101 here (NSFW…I’d be laughing if it weren’t so damn true)…

…and to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the UC Berkeley Free Speech movement (here), I give you this (based on “Riot in Cell Block #9,” by Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller).

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