Thursday, October 02, 2014

Thursday Stuff

Oh, and October 1st was also the first birthday of - Joy Reid reports (and sorry, Dems, if you don't stand and fight over the ACA, then you deserve what you get)...

…and it looks like the Repugs are up to their typical voter-caging garbage in North Carolina, among other places I’m sure, and as you might have guessed, Chucky and Dave Koch are behind it (more on this wretched duo here - oh, and one more thing...)…

…and Melissa Harris-Perry gives us an open letter to Colorado school board member Julie Williams, who basically wants to see our history of protest taken out of our social studies textbooks (achtung, baby!)…

...and I have to tell you that I actually was having a pleasant evening until I saw this (I really wish this guy would go away. I really do).

Oh, so we're supposed to have more patience with Mesopotamia, or something, you clueless meat sack? Well, at least he didn’t say we should give it six more months.

I will say, though, that I thought it was a nice touch for Former President Highest Disapproval Rating In Gallup Poll History to be “interviewed” by Brian Kilmeade of Fix Noise, since I believe the two are intellectual equals.

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