Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wednesday Stuff

Let’s not mourn the loss of Robert Bork as far as I’m concerned, for the reasons Jeffrey Toobin of The New Yorker articulates here; basically, by his behavior during the “Saturday Night Massacre” of the Watergate era, he ended up furthering a vision of supreme executive power and lawlessness, which The Sainted Ronnie R and Number 43 dutifully expanded on every way that they could (and as Toobin points out, Ted Kennedy was actually being kind in his remarks during Bork’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing – as far as I’m concerned, the fact that Bork stepped down from the federal bench soon afterwards is telling - this is interesting, though)…

…and gee Dems, way to utterly suck the life out of your base, as David Cay Johnston notes here (even Number 40 knew this was a bad idea, as noted here – and by the way, in a related story, President Hopey Changey ought to give this a read…interesting and a bit disturbing also…if the Repugs had managed to field a somewhat astute individual instead of Willard Mitt – a stretch for that bunch, I know – we’d be getting ready to swear in Number 45 instead)…

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…and it’s back to a mix of seasonal stuff.

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