Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thursday Stuff

Gee, Karl, you would have been less subtle if you told Repug U.S. House Rep Patrick McHenry to walk up to Elizabeth Warren and punch her in the face (more here, including a way to give to Warren’s campaign in response - and by the way, concerning OWS, suck on this, Turd Blossom)...

Update 11/16/11: Here is a welcome response...

…and speaking of “Bush’s Brain” and his pals, Think Progress tells us here about how that Kenyan Muslim Socialist pre-zee-dint has been just so awful for business now, hasn’t he (repeat the lie enough times and too many people will consider it to be the truth)…

…also, “Catch-22” by Joseph Heller was published 50 years ago today (here are clips from the movie – the last shot of Alan Arkin captures my opinion on the Repug presidential beauty contests)…

…”Worst Persons” (K.O. tells us here about Teahadist crook Anthony Loiacono, John McCain having a “senior moment” about corporate tax repatriation, and also PA’s former Senator “Man On Dog” – if it were almost anyone else except Santorum, I would give this person a pass out of pity for this awful gaffe, but since it’s Santorum, the guy responsible for moments like this among many other disgusting others, I won’t)…

…and from the world of science, I give you this, which made me recall this little number (I would never undergo such a procedure, nor would I encourage anyone else to do it either).

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