Thursday, October 26, 2006

No "Rush" To Judgement, I See

I know this is a post that I could regularly regurgitate if I wanted to with minor modifications, but in light of Flush Limbore’s recent rant that Parkinson’s disease-afflicted actor Michael J. Fox was “off his medication” when he appeared in an ad supporting stem-cell research, I’d like to say something.

My grandfather ultimately died from Parkinson’s disease. He gradually lost control of his motor functions until he was completely bedridden during his final days. This happened many years ago.

Now I will allow for the fact that medications have advanced since that time, and it’s possible that medication can mitigate the deterioration from the disease somewhat. But the medicine doesn’t stop the disease.

My point is that the question of whether or not Fox was taking his medication when he filmed the ad is utterly irrelevant (not really necessary to point that out to most people with IQs over that of a housefly, I realize, since the entire medication question from Limbaugh would only be considered credible by his zombie-like followers anyway). The disease (including the infamous Parkinson’s “mask,” which was plainly visible on Pope John Paul II before he died as well as Fox) will progress anyway, unfortunately.

I wish Godspeed to Michael J. Fox and all Parkinson’s sufferers, by the way, and I pray that the Democrats take over Congress on November 7th so we can revisit the issue of funding embryonic stem cell research again as soon as possible.

And I'm not going to ask the question "when is enough finally enough" with people like Limbore, Coulter, Hannity, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, O'Reilly, etc. and the rest of their foul ilk, because obviously, they can say ANYTHING and never have to worry about whether or not they'll be granted a forum for their toxic blather.

Besides, Fox takes drugs out of necessity. At least he doesn’t do it by choice.

Update: Despite "talent on loan from God," it looks like Flush's little gambit isn't exactly paying off (awww...).

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